Day 19 cahors to Lascabanes

Publié le par Dominique Bengtsson

Day 19 cahors to Lascabanes

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. Charles Kingsley

Charles Kingsley

Day 19 Cahors to Lascabanes the 22nd of April 24 km easy, a little up and down.

We left Cahors on a grey day. Se picture under

The whole walk was quite uneventful.

The interesting  part of the day was the pilgrim mass. And no, it is not becoming an habit, just circumstances. The priest is 80 years old and his only job is to welcome the pilgrims. He washes the pilgrims foot, I say foot because one is for the pilgrims and the other the sinners foot. It is at first a bit uncomfortable to have a 80 years old man bending down to pour water on your foot and then drying it with a towel. The meaning of the whole thing is to meet God in every pilgrim. We were lucky enough to meet again our gregorian singers in the church and it was actually touching to get the pilgrim blessing again. I did not take my camera with me as Marie-noëlle thought it was totally inappropriate with the result that I am the only one of the present pilgrim not to have any picture. You will have to imagine the scene.

One more event more earthly but still unusual is that Marie-noëlle has accepted that I publish a picture while she is looking greedily at the evening food. The picture is for Sylvie...

Nice evening with around 16 other pilgrims, one of them a 80 years old Japanese pn his 8th Camino. To note that he had to break the day after as tested Covid positive.


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I think the priest shoud have washed the sinner's foot instead :). <br /> Wash away the sins...
Or both.....get everything done at once