Day 13 Figeac to Cardaillac

Publié le par Dominique Bengtsson

Day 13 Figeac to Cardaillac

Day 13 16.04.2022 Figeac to Cardaillac 10 km easy, beautiful weather

After a day off in Figeac, a lighter bag as we have sent some stuff home, we enjoyed to walk on that very nice trail. A new trail mostly in field and shadowed forest opened only a month ago. 

Even walking extra slowly and taking long brakes, we came to Cardalliac very early. 

What a cute small village!! After a light lunch at the local pub/restaurant, we visited the medieval tower and houses.

That stair in the tower is particularly impressive, forget it after a drink.

We stayed at Jackie's a half retired chef. His " maison d'hôtes" was perfect for us and the food could not be better. We had the compagny of Cécile, a pilgrim walking only the Rocamadour variant this time. A perfect day


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